UK Baby Passport Photos-Full Guide

 baby passport photo in the UK

Planning your first adventure with your little one? You’ll likely need a baby passport to ensure smooth travel. But completing your baby’s passport application might leave you wondering: “Do I need a specific baby passport photo ?

We have compiled the main requirements in this list, so your child’s passport application is not declined due to an invalid photo.

last Update: 4/29/2024

Passport Photos For your baby, newborn or child with Smartphone iD – What you will get?

1. Photo template of 6 official passport photos

Photo template of 6 official baby passport photos made by smartphone iD

Our application allows you to create a photo template containing up to six official baby passport photos that fully comply with current standards.

2. Photo template of 4 official passport photos with an ePhoto code

baby passport photo with digital code UK CREATED BY SMARTPHONE ID APP

In addition to the option of six photos, our application also offers a photo template with four official images, associated with a unique ePhoto code. You can create a photo for your driver’s license with an ePhoto code (digital code).

This feature facilitates secure digital use and meets modern identity data security requirements.

3. Acceptance guarantee

We are proud to offer an acceptance guarantee for photos taken with our application.

We use a combination of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and human expertise, to carefully check each photo.

This rigorous verification guarantees that the photos fully comply with the required identity standards.

With our application, you can be sure to get high-quality identity photos that meet the strictest standards and are ready to be used with confidence in various official applications.

What are the requirements for a baby passport photo in the UK?

 the requirements for a baby passport photo in the UK
  • When taking the picture, you should consider the background and frame to ensure that it is uniform and close-up of the entire neck, head, and upper shoulder.
  • The body and face of the baby should be straight facing the camera.
  • The head should be at all times straight.
  • Half baby profile photograph will not be approved in the UK.
  • Parents should not make their babies smile in the photo and must not tilt their heads when taking the photo.
  • Eyes need to be opened during the photo session and mouth closed.
  • The UK takes the process of issuing a passport seriously; hence, the baby’s face needs to be visible at all angles, especially eyebrows and oval. Therefore, it is crucial to push the baby’s hair out of the face.
  • Also, no head cover of any sort is allowed in the photo.
  • Tinted and sunglasses are not allowed in passport photo UK.

You can find more detailed information on your child’s passport photo here.

Where to get baby passport photos in the UK?

Smartphone ID offers a convenient and professional solution for capturing the perfect images for your child’s passport application. Get approved baby passport photos from home with our app. We guarantee government approval or you’ll get a full refund. Our app saves you time, money, and hassle with your baby passport photos.

While several services provide baby passport photos in the UK, such as photo studios, photo shops like Asda, Timpson, post offices, and photo booths like Max Spielmann, getting your baby to pose for a photo in these settings can be challenging.

Tips to Take Baby Passport Photos at Home

Taking your baby’s passport photo at home can be quick and easy as long as you follow a few simple guidelines. Here are our top tips:

  • Make sure the photo is taken against a plain, light-coloured background. A white wall or sheet is ideal.
  • The baby should be facing the camera directly, with a clear view of their face. You can dangle a toy in front of the camera to keep their attention for the photo.
  • Ensure there is plenty of light, but avoid direct flash, as this can cause glare. Natural light is best.
  • Use a ruler or other straight edge to help keep the baby’s head in a level position. This will ensure the photo meets the requirements for passport photos.
  • Take the photo from slightly above the baby so their head is not cut off in the frame.
  • Make sure the baby’s mouth is closed, and there are no objects obscuring their face.

Baby Passport Photo Costs in the UK

Generally, the cost of a baby passport photo in the UK is not lower than £8 However, you can expect to pay more than that if you go to a professional photographer for your baby’s passport photos. Choosing Smartphone iD app , which provides a great price on high-quality passport photos.

How to take a passport photo of your baby with your phone?

Use Smartphone iD app at the most convenient time when your baby is in good mood. Send us the photo and we will verify if it can be accepted, after photo straightening, background removal and format adaptation a fit photo with UK Digital photo code will be sent to your email. Use this code on the official website.

  1. Download the Smartphone iD app from the Apple or Google Play store.
  2. Select the UK as the desired country for the passport photo.
  3. Follow the directions provided by Smartphone iD to take your baby’s passport photo.
  4. Have the photo either emailed to your inbox or printed and posted to your home.

You should follow these steps

  1. Choose a location with ample natural light.
  2. Place a white sheet on a flat surface to lay your baby on.
  3. Place your camera phone around 1 to 1.5 meters away from your baby.
  4. Take the photo from directly above your baby, ensuring that the entire head and face are visible in the frame.

It’s important to ensure that the photo meets the requirements for passport photos, such as having a plain background and a clear, focused image of the face. Additionally, make sure that your baby’s eyes are open and visible in the photo.


The easiest and cheapest way to get your baby’s passport photos is with the Smartphone iD app. The prices and value are the best around, and the app will take care of everything for you, from photo straightening and background removal to ensuring that the photos delivered back to you will get you wherever you need to go in the world.


Do babies’ eyes need to be open for a passport photo?

No, babies under one-year-old do not need to have their eyes open for their passport photo. Their eyes can be closed or partially open.

Are babies allowed to smile in passport photos?

Yes, babies are allowed to smile in their passport photos. A natural smile is actually preferred, as it will help to create a more relaxed and natural-looking photo.

Can babies’ hands be in the passport photo?

No, babies’ hands should not be in the passport photo. The photo should only show the baby’s head and shoulders. If you need to support the baby’s head, you can do so with your hand, but your hand must not be visible in the photo.

Can I take my baby’s passport photo myself?

Yes, you can take your baby’s passport photo yourself, as long as you follow the official requirements and guidelines and use our easy-to-use app Smartphone iD.

How to print a baby passport photo?

If you take your baby’s passport photo yourself, you will need to print it on high-quality photographic paper. You cannot print the photo at home using a standard printer. You can take the photo to a photo printing shop, print the ready template at Boots, or use our online printing service to have them printed and delivered to your address within a few days.

How to dress baby for passport photo?

It is best to dress your baby in a plain, light-colored top for their passport photo. Avoid clothing with stripes, patterns, or logos, as these can be distracting. You should also avoid clothing with shadows or reflections.

How many photos do I need for a baby passport?

You will need two identical passport photos for your baby’s passport application.

Where to get baby passport photos near me?

There are many places where you can get baby passport photos taken. You can go to a photo booth, a professional photographer, or a passport photo service online like smartphone iD.


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